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所属品牌:Calmar +

SVCam-ECO² IP67 »BlackLine«

With its "BlackLine"-standard SVS-VISTEK makes it easier and more cost efficient to integrate the delicate image processing parts even in harsh environments. 




With its "BlackLine"-standard SVS-VISTEK makes it easier and more cost efficient to integrate the delicate image processing parts even in harsh environments. »BlackLine« cameras are equipped with water- and dustproof hosuings and a M12 connectivity concept for industrial wiring. Aside from the SVCam-ECO² series SVCam-ECO and SVCam-EVO cameras currently are available in »BlackLine« editions.

1 to 4 Mega Pixel Truesense sensors

Optimized temperature range

(special requests possible)

Up to IP67 protection class (incl. lens tube )

M12 connectivity concept for industrial wiring

2 x direct control and ability to drive LED lighting

GigE Vision and GenICam standard